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Author: Pool_55 Subject: !st post

Posts: 1
Registered: 12-02-2010

posted on 12-02-2010 at 02:09 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
!st post

Hey Everybody,

This is my first post!

About 3 weeks ago my wife of 5 years told me she no longer wanted to be with me!

I tried to convince her to stay and she agreed to try again things went well for a week, Then she then told me she couldn’t do this anymore and ran out the house around 9 o’clock at night leaving me at home with the our two children one is 4 the other is 15 months!(Both Girls) She then came back around 4 o’clock in the morning I asked where she had been, she told me it was none of my business as we are no longer together, I was devastated and got in my car and drove to my parents!!

I went back two days later to see my girls and spend some time staying in a separate room. Which was fine, then the next she told me she didn’t know whether or not she could be bothered to give me another chance! She then proceeded to verbally assault me regarding all the things I had said and done to her over the years. She said she needed some space so I went to my parents again, I told her we should maybe not speak for a couple of days she agreed (I really want to keep my family together!)

The following weekend I picked up the girls and she told me she fully intends on keeping the house, I said I thought you where thinking about giving us a chance? Her answer was she didn’t know if she could be bothered,(Nice|)

I was speaking to her little sister’s boyfriend about the situation. I asked him if he thought there was anyone else. As this has happened so suddenly, he told me this guy keeps coming over our house he has a daughter the same age as mine and they go to school together, my wife is friends with both him and his wife =who is dying of skin cancer!
Apparently this guy has been advising her about what to do!
When I found this out I confronted her outright and asked if she had been seeing this guy she told me know no she hadn’t and she was friends with both him and his wife and they smoke pot together (classy!) She then said whatever chance I had of us getting back together was over and she wanted a divorce and she was going to fight me for everything.

So here we have it guys I haven’t heard from her for in two days, I want to try to keep things together for our young family, but it looks like it’s turning to hate.

Shall I just walk away? Or give her what she wants? or give her the space and see if she has a change of heart?

I think there is a strong chance she is seeing this guy as I noticed she has bought a new cel phone

Any advice as 7 years together and then finding yourself alone is hard
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Registered: 04-29-2010

posted on 12-02-2010 at 12:15 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
That is harsh

Wow I am really sorry to hear you having such a difficult time, I don't think anyone would know what to do in your situation.

Obviously, if you did not have children together, I would say call it quits. She obviously does not want to be in the relationship, and even if you get back together and things are fine for a while, you will likely end up in the same place later on down the road. She will eventually want out again.

Have you ever tried to ask her WHY she wants out so badly? I mean, you have two young children together, so why would she start a family with you and then suddenly take a 180 degree turn? Maybe something changed, or she just didn't realize she was needing something she isn't getting. If you want to fight for this relationship, I think you need to find out the reason for this break in the first place.

You want to do the best thing for the children, and sometimes the best thing is to separate. It would be better to raise your children in happy environments, even if you aren't together, than to raise them in a hostile environment where you are constantly fighting and making them feel scared and upset.

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