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Author: stringsofwings Subject: Child Support Questions (Newly Divorced)

Posts: 1
Registered: 02-07-2013
Location: Louisville

posted on 02-07-2013 at 07:04 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Child Support Questions (Newly Divorced)

Hey guys just had a question or maybe a view. First I live in KY and I've been divorced for a little over a year. I have a 4 yr old little boy. The ex and I have joint custody (50/50) and no direct custodial parent is setup. We agree upon all decisions for our son outside of her just signing him up for Pre-K last year while I was checking a few out. But that's in the past...

I currently carry Insurance on my son (320 month), pay for all of his schooling Pre-K (620 month), EVERY Haircut, put clothes on his back, food on the table, etc. etc.. Her and I have nearly the same salary (2k a yr difference). Well my son will not be attending Pre-K at the start of next school year and will be attending Kindergarten. Well my ex thinks this entitles her to child support. I'll still be paying for all his health insurance, and his after care (100 month) once he starts school.

But I've read that in a "Joint Custody" situation the custodial parent is the one who claims the child for that year. Or is the one who contributes the most to the child! Well based on a child support calculator I found online if I was the custodial parent for 2013 (I claim him this year she did for 2012 and we will be rotating moving forward) and with everything I pay out she would owe me child support.

Now my question is; what determines the custodial parent in a joint custody when shared 50/50? If I rightfully owe her CS I have no problem supporting my son. But I also know how she is and how she is with money. She makes 30k a year and drives a $30k car with a mere $500 a month car payment while I make $32k a year and drive a paid for little honda civic and no other bills beside normal stuff and student loans. I live within my means!

Any help, suggestions, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

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Registered: 04-05-2017

posted on 05-02-2017 at 04:37 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
what determines the custodial parent in a joint custody

When parents share joint custody, they usually work out a schedule according to their work requirements, housing arrangements and the children's needs. If the parents cannot agree on a schedule, the court will impose an arrangement. A common pattern is for children to split weeks between each parent's house or apartment. Other joint physical custody arrangements include:

*alternating months, years, or six-month periods, or
*spending weekends and holidays with one parent, while spending weekdays with the other.

There is even a joint custody arrangement where the children remain in the family home and the parents take turns moving in and out, spending their out time in separate housing of their own. This is commonly called "bird's nest custody" or "nesting."
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