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Author: 22yearguyvirgin Subject: virgin marriage
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Posts: 12
Registered: 01-16-2006

posted on 01-16-2006 at 22:24 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
virgin marriage

I am a 22 year old virgin. I plan to stay that way until I am married but recently I have been thinking about my decision. I want to marry a virgin woman. I was just wondering if anyone thinks that that is too much to ask for. Any help would be appreciated. I guess I'm just looking for some input.
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posted on 01-24-2006 at 23:20 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I had to change my account. It used to be virgin22. Anyway, I felt maybe I should elaborate some.

I don't know about everyone else on this forum but my decision was originally religious. Even though my family was never terribly religious I had an abnormaly strong relationship with god. Alot has changed since then and I kind of miss the way I used to feel about religion back then. Anyway, overtime my decision to remain a virgin has changed a bit though it is still based in religion. I grew up in an incredibly poor and a bit broken house hold. My parents nevr got along well and we never had much. This kind of made me want to try all the harder to get a good education and find a good job before I made a family. Even if I had wanted to start dating back then, I wouldn't have had the money. When I got a little older I started seeing more and more that the couples around me started to have problems when they lost that initial sexual passion for each other. It seemed like when they lost the passion they didn't have anything to fall back on. I started to feel like a relationship needed to have a strong emotional bond before the intimacy starts. It just made me feel all the more strongly about my decision. I think that if you don't feel strongly enough about a person to marry them before you have sex with them you then you probably aren't with the right person. I also think that being able to share that first time experience with your new husband/wife is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give each other. I feel that even if you think you have found the right person you should wait till you are married. I mean going through those feelings of wanting each other together can bring you even closer together and make that first time all the more special.

I'm sorry about this post being so long. I just felt like I needed to get this out. Even if no one ever reads it it has helped me get my thoughts straight. I recently started to feel a little alone. Im getting close to being able to graduate and I started to wonder if maybe I waited to long to start my search for my soul mate. Ive had several female friends and even a few women that have crushed on me. I just haven't found anyone that I really feel the right way about. Ive also never gotten the chance to date so I haven't gotten all that close to anyone before. I just started to feel all alone in the world but this forum has helped me greatly. I have seen that there are people in the world that are going through some of the same feelings i have. I just hope I can help them through it so its easier for them than its been for me.
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