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Author: longhornleghorne Subject: Online Dating, Matchmaking Agencies, and International Introduction Services
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posted on 05-12-2020 at 17:54 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Online Dating, Matchmaking Agencies, and International Introduction Services

What are the differences between online dating sites, matchmaking agencies, and international introduction services?

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View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By admin3 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 05-12-2020 at 22:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Online Dating vs Matchmaking Agencies

Online dating sites probably get the majority of business, eHarmony OkCupid Zoosk and a plethora more. I tried a couple, met a few women, but dating sites have a few drawbacks and they grow (did to me) to become major pains in my time, efficiency, and quality of life.

I want to highlight those issues, and I think the easiest way is a comparison with a growing industry known as 'Matchmaking'. Being honest, I haven't done the matchmaking route myself. I feel close enough to inside info on the subject because I used to date a woman who is now a professional matchmaker. Irony, right? She does well at it and finds joy in matching people together.

1. Matchmaking is safer than online dating. Most online dating sites/apps don't vett the membership. Personal matchmakers make sure everyone goes through screen checks. Clients are interviewed. So with dating sites you don't really know who or what you communicate with. That has happened to me, and it felt more than a little creepy and potentially dangerous. Matchmakers know no strangers because the matchmaking process eliminates the unkown - more on that further below.

2. Matchmaking hooks you up with dates who are serious about finding love. So that's not often the case with dating sites. Online dating is basically anonymous dating. The degree of real interest and intent from online members is pretty iffy. So matchmaking has fees and costs that online dating does not, and that's a big thing and a good thing. So because money is involved, your possible matches are really interested. They are serious, not just jerking you around from an anonymous location in their mom's basement (sorry about the cliche, but sometimes it turns out that way).

3. So you've paid money for a matchmaker - so you will definitely meet real live people. So people dating online lie
a lot about themselves. It's kind of disturbing, after a while. Like Shawna can really be, behind the scene, Shawn. Or Serena is definitely NOT serene. Online dating has created millionaires out of grocery clerks, but only in their online profile. People, PEOPLE LIE, and matchmaking is the antithesis of this. Clients are met in person to ensure they are physically, mentally, and emotionally who they say they are. Time is spent by the agency to get to know their clients and identify their personalities. So at the end of the day, it’ll feel like a friend introducing you their friend. At least that is the plan.

One more comment about the paid aspect of matchmaking: it sounds a more mature approach, more serious, while now I can feel online dating is more high school and bubble gum. If either approach appeals to you, try them out. Personally, I'll try anything that improves my life.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By existentialthreat (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-12-2020 at 22:46 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Great Post by exitentialthreat

The post by existentialthreat, titled Online Dating vs Matchmaking Agencies was spot on. Very insightful. I have wondered what the difference is between online dating and matchmaking agencies, and you answered most of my questions.

One thing, though, is what I noticed earlier today when I scouted the website loveme.com of the company A Foreign Affair. They present themselves as both a matchmaking agency and international introductions service. How does that work?

A Foreign Affair interests me for several reasons: the company appears to be one of the founding online businesses (since 1995); their profile list is probably the largest of all; the client comments are extensive and very positive toward service; and now, being an international introductions service, they also have matchmaking services. Another positive for me; they boast to have offices in every city and country where introduction tours are offered. Their introduction tours take place in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Quite extensive.

If anyone knows or has experienced working with A Foreign Affair, I would like to know more before I contact the company about information from them directly - I am being cautious, but admit to being interested, more toward them than any other company or service I have researched.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By muscleman1960 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 05-12-2020 at 23:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
International Introduction Services and Me

Hey cowboys and cowgirls - Ron Harper from the great state of Texas here, bringing some top shelf info on the subject of International Introduction services. That's correcto mundo, pards. I bring to you my personal experience on the aforementioned subject, even though a goodly portion of said experience lies under a haze of tequilla and pretty senioritas. I took a flight down to Medellin a few months back to join 11 other hombres from the states, each on a 10 day Colombian Introduction tour through my buddies at A Foreign Affair. Not my first rodeo with AFA and won't be my last although this corona virus nonsense might delay my next planned tour down to Machu Picchu Peru in July. Anywho, Medellin was a whirlwind and well worth the $3-grand price tag. Ten days, nine nights in paradise. I met more beauties than I have a right, tasted more food and tequilla. Hey, if you get down there you've got to try the lechona while you dance with every damn sweetie passing by. Food, dance, tequilla and that classic ancient city on the coast of blue southern waters. The socials AFA put on are like walking into dream of local feminine cuisine. Now these are not loose ladies, not at all. But they dress up and smile and love us gringos for our cowboy ways.

If you're looking for a great 10 day party, the tours are for you. If you're serious about finding a good woman to bring into your life, then the introductions are a way special approach to cut away the bs and get to know lots of ladies and then you narrow it down. Several of the fellas on the tour with me found their brides down there and brought them home a few months later. And you believe you me, you can just disregard all the mooing cow crap from complaining knowitalls who insist there's something shady or uncomely about it all. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you've got a few grand laying around, spend it on an introduction tour because not only will you never regret it but you may just find out how much you've been missing from life. Hell, it is life! I was working myself to death and not happy at all. Best thing that happened to me was the affair my ex had with a broker in Austin and then the divorce. I needed to refind myself and that's exactly what happened. I discovered life again. This corona crap better hurry up and disappear because I have more life to live. Think about it. Macchu Picchu Peru. Peruvian beauties and food and drink and laughing and dancing. It sure beats misery that American lifestyles can bring into your life. My ex owns the house, how's that for misery. She didn't work, I did, she cheated, I didn't, she got the house, I got the shaft. Thank you Judge Weston, sonovabitch.

Macchu Picchu, here I come. Later days boys and girls. Hope to see you on the introductory circuit. I'll save a seat for you at the table and have a cold one waiting.
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posted on 09-24-2020 at 15:32 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Online seminars and introductions

How does this work? Where do I go and what do I do? Never used a dating site, don't know that I want to.

Thinking about finding a little Latina for a spouse. They cook and clean good. Where would I go to use a reputable company for this?

She should be no taller than 5 feet, no more than 140lbs, and no older than 30. I prefer long dark hair. Her english would have to be good because I can't speak a word of espanole.

She could be a mexican woman or colombian woman. Just latin women need apply :-)

Anybody have info on this for me, drop me a reply.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By longhornleghorne (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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