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Author: karlneklausen Subject: I Once Married An American Feminist

Posts: 22
Registered: 04-07-2020

posted on 04-07-2020 at 16:02 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I Once Married An American Feminist

The other day, a young American woman commented to me that American men were not real men. She stated that every boy friend she'd ever had was missing backbone and drive, and were basically losers. All were American.

As off-handedly as I could manage, I asked about her social beliefs: how she felt about marriage, how she felt about the women's movement. And as I expected, she firmly stated her belief in such 'world shakers' like Gloria Steinham, Gloria Alred, and Susan B. Anthony. All of them feminists.

It reminded me of my marriage, my wife who died tragically at a young age when a drunk driver smashed into our truck and killed both she and our infant son. My wife had been a young, blossoming feminist. It started in college where she took psychology and women's studies. Those classes changed her mind, and out marriage. So no matter how tragic the accident was, it has always been tinged by my sadness that had it lived on, the course would no doubt have been rocky.

Feminism separates married couples, dividing the one body made of two flesh, united by God, into a fractured split of two people who eventually oppose one another. Feminism is about the me, not the we. It is about women as a godhead, not God as the creator of men and women.

My point here is, I understand why American men so easilly turn to asian women, latin women, russian and ukrainian women, because those cultures have so adamantly resisted the sermons of feminists. Men and women naturally come together; it is unnatural for them to oppose one another.

American men recognize nurturing women, and are repelled by feminist manifestos and their offspring: lesbianism, the occult, progressiveness, etc.

I once married an American feminist. And I still feel the sickening poison it left in my heart.
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Posts: 26
Registered: 04-13-2020

posted on 04-13-2020 at 14:12 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Get over yourself

So a woman has to be weak? U cant stand a strong woman, so you turn to girls. No self respecting woman would have you.
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Posts: 11
Registered: 07-19-2020
Location: Reprisa California

posted on 09-13-2020 at 22:05 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
American women and feminism

Feminism has been undermining American families and marriages since the 1960's. This is not true for European Women. Mostly, Eastern European men will not tolerate the hateful message of feminism in their homes or marriages. They know how distructive it is.

Feminism in America has been successful mainly because American men are weak when it comes to confrontation with their wives. Too many marriages find women wearing the pants, and it shows in the way their families are affected. Kids talk to parents as if the parents were the children. This stuff is glorified on television and at schools.

At the heart of it is...God. Feminism tries to replace man with an equal woman-head. This is destructive. Men are the heads of households, not women. When you break down that heirarchy, it breaks down the structure of marriage, family, and society.

Feminism is from Satan. Remember that. It is a snake, a liar, and seducer of females as a way to attack the true head of household, the man.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By karlneklausen (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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