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Author: ableadams Subject: Why You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed of Your Divorce

Posts: 0
Registered: 09-26-2017

posted on 09-27-2017 at 18:38 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Why You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed of Your Divorce

Divorce is quite common nowadays, and while it can be difficult to parties going through it, there is a social stigma surrounding it. When that happens, divorced couples have been reported to feel shame, isolated and even depressed. There's nothing wrong with divorce - if two people can't make their marriage work and it is no longer worth it, then it's better to let go.

No matter whose fault it was or what circumstance brought the marriage to an end, there are many reasons why you should not be ashamed about your divorce:

1. Remember Why You Divorced in the First Place

Outsiders not involved in the marriage should remain where they are: outside. Regardless of what people will inevitably say of your failed marriage, the crucial thing to remember is the reasons why the union resulted in divorce. No matter what the reasons are: abusive partner, infidelity, money, unrealistic expectations, etc., you are in the right for separating with them.

2. Divorce is Not a Failure; Marriage is Not Always the Best

A failed marriage does not mean you're a failure in life and everything. Humans experience failures at the time. Some experience it with jobs, in school, finance, and some in relationships. Instead of mulling over the negatives, think of divorce as a sort of a fresh start.

While marriages that end in divorce is always a sign that your romantic relationship with your partner is over, it doesn't mean it has to end forever. This is especially useful when children are involved. Assuming that you’re both are co-parenting - it can be hard if the two of you are not actively participating.

3. Yours are Neither the First Nor the Last Divorce Case

When you talk with a group of people your age, it is highly likely that a handful of them are divorced or are going through it. You'd be surprised by how many people lead exciting lives after their divorce. This confirms that divorce is not a failure and that everyone going through it should embrace their fresh new start in order to attract new things in their lives.

Do you have any opinions about why divorcees shouldn’t be ashamed of their failed marriages? Let’s talk about it in this thread. I really want to know what you have to say.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By atrueloveme (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 22
Registered: 04-07-2020

posted on 07-15-2020 at 00:22 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Not ashamed of divorce but failing as a father

I wasn't ashamed of the divorce, but I had a real breakage in myself when it came to the kids having to be shared between two households. The disruption of that situation cut deep in my sons. They were in the middle of a marital dispute gone bad. And it was bad, so I didn't have guilt about ending it. If the wife and I had remained married the effect on the boys would have been worse than anything the divorce did. Sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two bad situations. I did, but it didn't make me or my sons the better for it. To this day they avoid family gatherings because they subconsciously fear the hypocritical idea of 'being a family' that my ex and I regurgitated in to their lives.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ableadams (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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