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Author: Rkyeun Subject: Confuessed, Lost, and Alone

Posts: 3
Registered: 09-14-2004
Location: Alabama

posted on 09-14-2004 at 21:39 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Confuessed, Lost, and Alone

Well i just moved form californa to alabama and what a big change that was i started school and after the second week began a guy who sits behind me started to give me love letters and he says he loves me everyday and calls me his princess and i also have a boyfriend who is just as great and i'm kinda scared because they both want to be my frist and i'm only 15 and i dont know if i should wait or not
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By 2much (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 62
Registered: 07-04-2004
Location: Rhode Island, USA

posted on 09-15-2004 at 20:06 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Why do you think they want to be your first? Obviously they look at you as a fresh piece of meat. Something that has never been touched by another man and they want to conquer it. All they want most likely is to get their peckers wet in something young and tight and then go try to find another victim. I am sorry for putting this so blunt. I am also sorry to say this too but they probably don't have a clue what love is either.

I myself am a guy but I don't follow the crowd like the rest of my gender. I admit about 5-6 years ago my mindset was about the same as the typical male. After my 3rd girlfriend I realized I was just giving myself away instead of saving myself for the one I would eventually marry. To many, sex is just sex. However, I have grown to look at it as more of a sacred act between a married couple. To me, seeing other people go about and having mutiple sex acts with one bf/gf after another is just gross. Don't forget to include all the broken hearts and diseases that are being spread around. Condoms can't even protect you now which is very scary.

Another reason why I don't sleep around is because I could never be in a relationship with a woman who has and have any respect for her. So, in turn, I wouldn't want a woman to not respect me because of my sexual past. I know some of you who are probably reading this are saying something like, "The person should want to be with you for you and not care about your past or body." Well, choosing to give your body to every person that says I love you or because your a bit aroused is your choice. How you choose to live life helps make you who you are. If someone can't respect your past, how can they respect you. Their can be no relationship with out respect.

There are plenty of more reasons why I can tell you to wait 2much but I have to get to my economics class. Just wait till your honeymoon or till your engaged and the wedding date isn't that far off. Statistics show that those who go into marriage as virgins (men and women alike) are more likely to not have a divorce and have a long happy marriage.
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Posts: 12
Registered: 11-24-2004

posted on 11-25-2004 at 06:41 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

You may be confused, but here you are not lost, and you are never alone. Please allow me to help with your first problem.
If the two boys do not know about each other's interest in you, you should make them immediately aware of it. You should discuss this with them, and see how they react.
Remember that you are young, and must plan a future not just for yourself but for your family. I sincerely doubt either of these men stuggling to get into your pants at fifteen are good material. I would propose though that they do not understand or value the significance of what they offer you. Sex should never be requested or demanded, only offered and shared.
At this age your job is merely to investigate. Look at their families, their life, and how they treat you. Is that how you want their family to be? Is that how you want to live? Is that how you want them to show their love and respect? I doubt they know the meaning of the word.
Out of all the world, you are expected to choose one to love through all of eternity, to experience heaven and suffer hell with. It can take time, and indeed you have plenty of it. Take your time and choose wisely. I hope you find someone worthy of you.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Rkyeun (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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