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Author: StacyB Subject: Ball Busting

Posts: 3
Registered: 08-04-2014

posted on 08-04-2014 at 17:22 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Ball Busting

by Stacy B

This is a very true story about an old friend of mine. For whatever reason, I
have always been fascinated with ball busting, and I believe it originated in
my childhood. I had accidentally swung my hand into a schoolmates balls one
day and have since been in love with the hobby. Of all the times I've
hurt a guys balls, this is one of the most memorable. If I titled it, it would
have to be 'My First Orgasm'. If you post it, please don't use my
last name, just leave it as 'B'. Thanks~

When I was 16, and had just received my driver's license, my friend
Michelle and I (Stacy) were planning to visit a male friends house named Mike.
To summarize our physical descriptions, I was around 5' 4", brown
hair, and weighed 140-150 pounds. Michelle however, was blonde (I know), her
weight was about the same, but she was about 6 inches or so taller. Michelle
was usually very aggressive, while I was more or less the passive type; but
not on this day. Anyway, I'll get on to the story.

I believe it was a Monday when Michelle and I were supposed to be at our
friend Mikes house at 7:00 PM to watch a movie; he said his parents weren't
going to be home. I wasn't able to get her until about 8:30 and we didn't get
to Mikes until 9. This was thanks to my parents, who insisted that I eat
dinner with the family that evening.

When we got to Mikes, we walked in like we always do. However, this time he
was lying on the couch in his underwear; wearing the Haynes brand as I recall.
He was very embarrassed to say the least.

Michelle brought on the first problem, but I was quite enjoying the view of
him in his undies. She laughed at him and told him that he didn't have
anything worth covering up with underwear in the first place. I imagine that
didn't make him feel too good, because he retaliated with shots aimed at
her ego as well. He told her that he saw her in her bra and panties once, and
that she looked like a little Smurf; complete with the flat chest. Of course
Michelle didn't take this very well, so she told him he was
'dead' and started heading his way. Remember when I said Michelle
was the aggressive type? Well Mike new this, so I really don't know what
he was thinking. As far as I'm concerned, he willingly walked right into
his problems.

Michelle backed him into the living room wall. Using her forearms to hold his
shoulders against the wall, she started kneeing his balls repeatedly with
great force. Eventually, after six or seven times, she let him slide to the
floor. Although he couldn't really speak at the time, we could see how
much pain he was in; and quite honestly, it excited me to witness this.

After not even four or five minutes, Michelle climbed onto him and sat on his
chest facing his feet. She was holding his arms down flat on the floor, and
told him she would destroy his balls if he tried to throw her off. She then
called for me to come over and help, but I was very hesitant at first.
Although getting guys in the balls is fun, I didn't want to ruin a good
friendship over it. Yet at the same time, I was so excited that I didn't
really care. When I say excited, I really mean sexually excited. I had always
enjoyed this sort of thing, but this was the first time that I felt sexual
pleasure as well; it's very difficult to explain.

Needless to say, I wanted to get his balls since they were that easy of a
target. I walked over to him and pulled his legs away from each other. I
remember that it was a nice view, but at the same time it was kind of awkward.
I improvised and pushed his knees back to chest while his legs were apart.
This position was very easy, as I could just sort of lean forward on his legs;
my weight held them in place.

What I saw next was probably one of the biggest highlights of the evening. His
underwear must have been somewhat old, as they were so thin that his balls
were somewhat visible through the faded white fabric. Seeing this made my
heart skip a beat, so I looked up at Michelle. As well, she was staring in
amazement at my find.

I didn't want to waste too much time, so I lifted my knee up and smashed
it right down into the center of his balls. As my knee hit directly on target,
I could feel the smooth and semi-rounded balls being crushed from the force.
The feeling of pleasure I felt while inflicting pain between his legs was
unimaginable; this pleasure had to continue on.

I pulled my knee up and slammed it down into his spongy balls over and over,
enjoying the burning hot sensation between my own legs. Each blow to his balls
brought me closer and closer to having the orgasm of my dreams. Of course,
looking straight down at his nearly showing balls probably helped a little as
well:) I looked up at Michelle, and she appeared to be REALLY enjoying the
show; she was rubbing herself to orgasm (at fifteen years old!). Even though
she saw me look at her, she continued rubbing herself like there was no

I finally stopped kneeing his balls about ten minutes or so into it; I came up
with another idea. Although I kneed his balls twelve times or so, Mike
continued to struggle and moan about how bad they hurt. I had expected him to
either cry or pass out by then, but I REALLY needed that orgasm.

I figured that since Michelle was being so open about rubbing herself, she
wouldn't mind me getting out of my sweatpants before I continued on. I
let go of Mike's legs and stood up to remove my sweats, but leave my
shirt on. I wanted an orgasm; I didn't necessarily want to show them
both my boobs. Besides, it would have just given Mike something to mock me
about later. Trust me, he would have had something derogatory to say about

After I removed my sweats, I told Mike that I was trying to be fair; he and I
were both in our undies. I had Michelle get off of him and help me turn him on
his belly. Of course he gave us problems, but after a few smacks to the balls
he stopped all the struggling.

I told Michelle to sit on his lower back so her weight would hold him down,
but yet she would still be able to see what I was doing. I spread his legs
open enough to get my hand around his balls. As I tightened my grip around
them, I could tell it wouldn't be long until I reached my immense
orgasm. I gripped his balls and started pulsating but very stern squeezes.
Each squeeze of those balls got me closer and closer. As I crushed them
between my fingers, I used my free hand to rub myself; not caring that
Michelle could see my every move. In the back of my mind, I remembered that
the slightly orange colored panties I was wearing became somewhat transparent
when they were wet. I can only imagine the detail that Michelle could see as I
rubbed myself to ecstasy. As my orgasm grew near, the grips around
Mike's poor little balls became stronger. I stopped squeezing both of
them, and focused on pinching either ball and fantasizing about what I was
actually doing to him;!

causing his sensitive and vulnerable balls great pain in order to prove a
point. I soon heard a moan that, for the first time, was not Mike's
voice. Being a bit distracted, I looked over at Michelle. She had just reached
her climax and was vigorously trying to grind her clit into Mikes lower back
while alternating her view between my panties and my hand pinching one of his
balls. As I looked down between my own legs, I could see that my suspicion
about the transparency was correct; she could see every feature of my wet and
shaven self. The feeling of this voyeuristic situation combined with the
feeling of Mike's ball being crushed between my fingers was just too
much. I shrieked loudly and squeezed Mikes poor ball tightly as I had the most
gratifying and intense orgasm of my entire life. Even to this very day, almost
ten years later, no self-induced orgasm has come close to that magnitude.

The rest of the story is pretty much as you would expect. We were embarrassed,
so we got dressed and got out of there. As far as I know, Mike never did pass
out, but yet his mother found out and contacted my mother and Michelle's
mother the very next day. Michelle didn't get in trouble, but I was
literally grounded for six months. School was the only way I could see or talk
to Michelle, and everyone seemed to know what happened. Neither of us ever
heard from Mike again, but I wouldn't expect we should. Although I hated
to see the friendship die, he will forever live in my heart as the man that
gave me my first orgasm.
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