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Author: FredMan Subject: options

Posts: 8
Registered: 05-28-2013

posted on 05-28-2013 at 07:44 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Hello, I am an 18 year old virgin, I have been with my bf for more than 6 months. I am feeling guilty about not having sex with him. But I am just not ready to do it. I want to please him but I am also not ready to give him a blow job, not sure why. I have been considering letting him have anal. He has mentioned it several times as options. I love him very much so this might be a good solution. Can anyone give me some good advice to make this a pleasant experience for both of us?
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posted on 05-28-2013 at 13:29 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Anal sex is a nice option

Dr. Needle is in private practice and also contributes to Positive Friends, a site about dating and sexually transmitted infections. Here’s what she has to say about anal sex:

Anal sex is still very much taboo! This doesn’t change the fact that between 6-40% of people report having tried some type of anal stimulation or anal sex. The truth is that everyone has an erogenous zone in their anus—males and females. Whether you think it feels good, are curious, or your partner is asking you to try it, here are some things you should know before engaging in anal sex!

1. Relax your mind and body! If this is your first time trying anal sex, spend a few minutes relaxing your mind and your entire body. You can also relax your anal muscles. To see what that feels like you can tighten them by squeezing your butt muscles and holding for a few minutes, and then releasing.

2. Use lots of lubrication! Unlike the vagina, the anus does not produce its own lubricant. The more lube you use, the more comfortable and enjoyable anal sex can be. Don’t forget to make sure you are using a water-based lubricant. Before going right to anal sex you may want to begin by using a finger to become comfortable with anal play.

3. Communicate! As with all type of sexual activity, verbal communication is a must! Talk to your partner about your fears or desires for anal sex. Continue to communicate when first trying anal sex by letting your partner know if it hurts or if you would like him to move more slowly or more quickly. It is important that you feel comfortable so don’t be afraid to communicate!

4. Women—you stay in control! Especially the first time you are trying anal penetration, it is good to be in control of your man’s penis so that you can guide it at a pace and pressure that you are comfortable with. Take your time in getting it in. This is also good because the lining of the anus is very sensitive, so pay attention to your body and stop if it is too painful. Some good beginning positions for when trying anal sex are doggie style and laying on your side with your partner behind you on his side.

5) Be safe! To minimize the risk of infection, be sure to clean your genitals before and after engaging in anal sex. In addition, do not go from the anus to the vagina as this can lead to infection or complications. Use a condom! If you are engaging in anal sex, discard that condom and put on a new one before penetrating the vagina to minimize the risk of infection.

A tip: There are many shared nerve endings between the walls of the vagina and the anus, so stimulating the vagina simultaneously can be extremely pleasurable. If you feel comfortable, insert something (perhaps a finger or a vibrator) into your vagina while you are engaging in anal play.

Don’t feel pressure to engage in anal play! And remember that if you try it and don’t like it, you don’t have to do it again. Some people don’t choose to try anal sex and some just don’t enjoy anal stimulation once they have tried it—both are OK! Everyone has different likes and dislikes. Love it or hate it, you are not alone.
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posted on 06-26-2014 at 20:20 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
other things a virgin can do to please her man....

'Hello, I am an 18 year old virgin, I have been with my bf for more than 6 months. I am feeling guilty about not having sex with him. But I am just not ready to do it.

I want to please him but I am also not ready to give him a blow job, not sure why. I have been considering letting him have anal. He has mentioned it several times as options. I love him very much so this might be a good solution. Can anyone give me some good advice to make this a pleasant experience for both of us?'


A virgin woman doesn't have to degrade herself and let her man give her anal, just to please him and keep her sweet virginity intact.

Instead, many Christian virgin women try to please their guys via other methods.

They engage in a lot of "everything...but" which involves other kinds of sex play (foreplay) other than him entering her with his penis.

The two lay naked or partially clothed next to each other.
He caresses and sucks her breasts, which makes her pussy wet.

He may run his hand down to her virgin pussy as he gorges on her breasts. He may insert his fingers in her, pushing deep into the virgin's cunt and giving her sensations.
The feelings may get to her, so she drops her panties and the two are naked next to each other.

She caresses his manhood and notices how big his cock is.

To please him, she moves her head toward his penis and caresses it with her hands and fondles it with her fingers.
This will give him many sensations.

To further please him, she may lower her head and kiss his penis, licking his forehead area.

The woman will often go down on him, placing his penis in her mouth.
She can suck him all the way until he cums.
As many women won't want to swallow, best to ask him to give her a signal, like tap her on her shoulder, just before he's ready to cum, so he won't ejaculate his spermy tasty cum into her.
His juices will shoot out all over her, some landing on her lips and face, but at least she won't have to swallow and she will learn what makes a man happy.

After he cums, she may want to lay back and open her legs wide, revealing her pussy to him in all its beauty.
He will want to go down on her and kiss it.
He will take his tongue and enter her pussy, then suck on it, sucking her juices.
As he sucks her sweet pussy, he moves his hands to her breasts and caresses them, making her even more wet and full of desire.

That's a good place to stop, if the woman wants to preserve her virginity.

Some continue farther, with the man appearing to mount her, but agreeing to not enter her.
Instead, he rubs his penis up against her cunt, moving it up and down her virgin pussy lips.

This is tricky, though, as the sensations he gets and gives her may cause her to change her mind.
She may not object if he starts to slowly slide it in, as his God-given instincts tell him to do.

As she's a submissive woman, she may not want him to stop, though she didn't want to get her first fuck that night, so she soon loses her Christian innocence as he slowly slides his penis into her.

That's the danger of going too far in the "everything... but" activity.

If a virgin Christian woman desires to remain untouched, she can engage in the oral lovemaking, but clearly tell him beforehand she doesn't want him to enter her.

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