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Author: dennehy78th Subject: Just an example of how it can work out when it works out well!

Posts: 2
Registered: 09-28-2012
Location: Costa Rica

posted on 09-28-2012 at 12:56 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Just an example of how it can work out when it works out well!

I recently posted an article on Hubpages about the experience of long-distance courtship and the first meeting of my bride-to-be from Kyiv. I guess you might say I was pretty lucky in how it all worked out, but I think if you have a good head on your shoulders and follow your heart it can work for you, too! - Casimiro

Find the article under my name above on Hubpages.com
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posted on 10-04-2012 at 13:29 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
that is great to hear

It is nice to hear from someone who had a positive experience. Most people only go onto forums and post when they have something to complain about so things like this get a bad rap.

Thanks for sharing and congrats!

Tell us more about your story!
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posted on 10-05-2012 at 07:07 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
16 years later still going great

The details of the courtship are on the Hubpages article, and I'd post a link if I weren't a Newbie class participant here. Pen name there is Casimiro, so easy to find.

Ukrainian women (as I'm sure is true of women in other countries) really have a wonderful value system of independence, hard work, intelligence, and also keeping their man at the center of their world. They're damn sexy, too!

Most of them aren't nearly as materialistic as U.S. women are, but yeah they can become spoiled quickly (who wouldn't, being marketed to 24/7 like we are in the States).

One tip: my wife-to-be came in on a tourist visa and we were married shortly thereafter. This is "looked down upon" by U.S. immigration, but they really can't do anything about it. Her GC is going to be 2 year conditional anyway, and if you two don't feel good about each other after 2 years it wasn't meant to be anyway.

Good luck!

Picture is of the two of us when we were head over heels, crazy in love.
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posted on 06-25-2020 at 12:56 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
More examples of finding foriegn brides

Congratulations on finding a foreign bride. Seriously, it's not as rare to find a bride outside the United States as people think. It's happening more, distances between countries, borders, societies, cultures, are less than they used to be. A plane ride and planning is all it takes. Plus companies make it easier to meet foreign women. Not the fly-by-night piece of crap companies. Lots of them. But older, more established companies are pretty good. Here are some examples of couples like you who got engaged recently and they are all foreign brides.

Times have changed. It's not mail-order-brides anymore. That stigma has fallen because of the legitimacy of tour and introductory companies. That's why I come to this forum every few days. As soon as the Corona virus stuff is done and travel picks up, I'm flying to the Ukraine, or maybe the Philippines. Can't wait. Anyway, congrats again. Live long and prosper.

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posted on 09-28-2020 at 18:31 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
International marriages work out better than most people think

I was a cop for many years and let me tell you I met thousands of couples with international marriages that worked just fine. Ok, maybe HUNDREDS of couples (I've been sucking down a few beers tonight). But a long time ago I spotted how much better the marriages were of, say, a man from Ohio, meeting and marrying a woman from, say, Kieve Ukraine or Cebu Philippines. Doesn't matter. Those marriages worked. I can't say I know why, not exactly. Maybe you, reading this, understand more about it than I do. But I do have a lot of memories over the years of happilly married couple of this type of marrriage. Hell, back when my father was a young father, some of his friends were guys from Europe, WWII, who married french women, german women, you name it. Foreign woman came here after the war, and did so in droves as marrried women to a US serviceman. I don't understand the stigma some idiots attach to a relationship born of two cultures and even continents.

Anyway, congrats to the couple of this topic. Live long and keep your powder dry.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By dennehy78th (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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