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Author: cecebeme Subject: Kiss me!

Posts: 1
Registered: 07-29-2004

posted on 07-29-2004 at 07:24 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Kiss me!

I was at my boyfriend’s grandmother’s house, and a lot of his family was there. Every time I asked 4 a kiss he was like, “no, not in front of everybody.” I was like, “what is wrong with kissing your girlfriend in front of people?” and he was like, “I don't know, I just feel stupid,” and we got into a big fight over it. But I was wondering, is it because he is embarrassed to kiss me in front of people, or is it his own insecurities or what??? Please help!

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Sweet_Lips (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 07-30-2004 at 05:55 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Maybe both

If he is new to relationships. Yes, he is embarrassed. If he is not, and he done it before, then u have to ask yourself if he is commiting himself to you. It does sound like a simple insecurity issue but if you have doubts, keep your guard up.
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posted on 01-02-2006 at 03:38 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I think he is kind of shy to kiss you infront of his family memembers, not because he doesnt like that much or he is ashamed of you, but it s just a personal thing, like i dont think i would like my bf to kiss me infront of my family memember espicially the old one, like dad, mom, oncle... and that s because i m gonna feel shy, So I dont think it s a big deal ^_^
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The Virgin Nurse
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posted on 01-02-2006 at 22:46 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
aww...It's one of those "Personal things"


Kiss me!

I was at my boyfriend’s grandmother’s house, and a lot of his family was there. Every time I asked 4 a kiss he was like, “no, not in front of everybody.” I was like, “what is wrong with kissing your girlfriend in front of people?” and he was like, “I don't know, I just feel stupid,” and we got into a big fight over it. But I was wondering, is it because he is embarrassed to kiss me in front of people, or is it his own insecurities or what??? Please help!

Okay, he is just being shy. He may feel like he is invading some kind of terrority. Another solution could be that he is worried about kissing you in front of his grandmother and family members. I mean..think about it...if you were kissing your Bf in front of your grandparents (and family members)..you may think it could be disturbing to them. The human mind is a weird thing. Don't worry, he is not MAD at you....guys work on a different page...When they see a girl mad..they get madder instead of conforting the girl. Just talk to him about it. He's not going to flat out tell you why he didn't kiss you. You got to talk it out of him! You may get better suggestions from other contributers that will answer your question...Good luck with your decision and welcome to the boards (both of you)
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posted on 02-17-2006 at 02:56 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
It's all in his head..

I'm a 22 Year old virgin male.

Really it doesn't matter, guy or girl we are all human. Maybe he thinks that if his family sees the two of you kissing that they will all start asking all kinds of potentially embarrassing questions. Thinking that his family members might ask if the two of you are having sex, when, where, how, ext..

I know that these subjects should not be embarrassing, because your family members went through the same thing too. I know that I exist.. that means that at some point in time my mom and dad had to of rolled around in a barn, bed, car, or where ever it was they rolled around. Same thing with their parents and so on.

The point is that this is just a insecurity thing that could happen to anyone male or female.

I haven't ever had a girlfriend and I know one day I will and when that day comes there will be big changes within my family. My family is so use to me having so much extra time. (time that I would be fully dedicating to a girlfriend if I had one) They are use to me not having a girlfriend so I am really taken for granted and having a girlfriend will be awkward at first around my family. Eventually the awkwardness will leave and that will have more to do with her and I working it out.

You yourself could take control and instead of asking him to kiss you or telling him to.. just kiss him. He is not embarrassed of you or because of you... it is all him issues within his own mind.

If I had a girlfriend I would probably be most embarrassed to kiss her infront of my dad. The reason isn't because of my own personal issues or because of her... it is more because my father is just a total perve and I would rather him not create perverted problems.

You have to look at the situation and just be able to laugh about it, because it is silly to be insecure about kissing your girlfriend. There is no reason at all to fight over this subject either.

If he does the guy thing and puts a emotional wall up you should stand up and tell him "infront of all or none at all." Don't confront him like you are mad.... talk about it like you are serious and you mean it.. There is no reason for this to become a big issue or anything to fight about.

Maybe I helped you with something... I don't know that to much information I could give would be helpful to anyone. I haven't had a girlfriend or any experiences that go with having a girlfriend. I am starting to think I myself am doing something wrong with my own insecurity.

One thing I am sure on.. do not fight....especially over this... fighting leads to negative things in general and it could create more damage being that normally when people fight... things are said that shouldn't be said or aren't ment to be said.

I'm sure he will come around and see that there is no reason to not show you affection infront of people including his family members.
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Posts: 8
Registered: 05-07-2006

posted on 05-08-2006 at 13:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

i mean if i was him i wont want to kiss you iether not in front of his grandmother and family members i mean come on its like he's asking you to give him a kiss while your mom is standing there.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By cecebeme (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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