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Author: Darren0 Subject: What is a fair custody agreement?!?!?!? HELP!!!

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Registered: 03-12-2012

posted on 03-12-2012 at 22:02 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
What is a fair custody agreement?!?!?!? HELP!!!

I need to know what a fair child custody agreement is. I told my husband I want a divorce and we have 2 kids together. About a year ago we moved to Utah where he has family. I don't know anyone out here and have been in school so I don't have any income right now to support myself. I want to move back to NH where I'm from, where my family and friends are as well as some of his family and all of his friends. So I have a couple questions...

1. What would be a reason custody agreement for our kids (ages 4, 2)? I was thinking of doing 6 months on/off until they started school and then it would be one of us has them for the school year and the other has them for school vacations and summer. He isn't agreeing and thinks since I want the divorce I should "suffer" the consequences and they should live with him.

2. I don't have an attorney because I can't afford one and am waiting to hear from a pro bono. His parents are made of money and have spent their retirement money on his attorney.. The place that we are currently living in, is his parents condo (they live back in NH) well my husband and his family want to kick me out of the house within 5 days of being served. Can they do that even though I have no where to go and no money?

3. I guess my last question is what are my chances of winning a custody battle case and taking my girls back to NH? I've tried reasoning with him but he isn't being civil. I'm a great mother, have always took care of them when they were sick, always took them to the hospital, my husband asked me the other day when I youngest daughters birthday was!!! He has smoked weed his whole life and that is one of the reason why I'm divorcing him because after so many years of him lying to me about it and always being stoned, I was done. His lawyer had him shave his whole body to remove all the hair so they couldn't do a test that way.....

I could really use some answers... Advice... Tips... Please!
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posted on 10-23-2012 at 12:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Proof of use

I think that if you are being truthful about his drug use you will have a good chance of gaining custody of your children. Like you said if they are shaving his body to avoid that kind of test, isn't that proof of his drug use in itself? It seems that if what you are saying is true and you go through all possible means to prove his past behavior, you will not have a problem. I have not dealt with this kind of thing personally, but logically you would have custody if he has a history of drug use.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Darren0 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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