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Author: anonymousperson Subject: .....................
Junior Member

Posts: 21
Registered: 03-27-2011

posted on 04-29-2011 at 21:59 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
your virginity

I don't buy that you are a virgin. do you mind me asking how tall you are? don't be ashamed if you think you are to tall. I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to a tall chick that is a virgin. it's to bad you live in ireland. Unfortionantly for me it has been to long since I have had a sexual experiance with the opposite sex. I am thankfull I can still control my sexual erges and fool people so that they don't think I am desperate. You know after I read your post I amediatly thought of a blondy with glasses and rosy red cheeks with her mouth open and whearing saint patrics day panties with green and white stripes. I went grocery shopping yesterday and there were more then a few very good looking females shopping in the grocery store this was at night. They looked very similar in shape to me. a pair of women that I could tell had very vouloptious bodies with big boobs and nice round asses, probably lesbians(I did not stair at them and made shure they did not see me glance at them. They came right next to me when I was geting a certain drink. I was suprised that I did not get a boner and felt sexually gone even though they were a huge thought distraction for me when I was trying to get a drink. they did come near me 2 more times at different locations in the store weirdly enoughf but it was very breifly probably becuase they were afraid of me or thought I was a rapist but that could all be just in my own head. It was cold that night and those women were whearing winter clothing with sweaters or turtle neck sweaters yet to me it was like they were wearing bakinis.
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