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Author: turky642003 Subject: I'm A Virgin, My Boyfriend Isn't--Scared and Insecure

Posts: 1
Registered: 05-06-2004

posted on 05-06-2004 at 15:44 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I'm A Virgin, My Boyfriend Isn't--Scared and Insecure

Hi there guys, how are all of you? Anyways here's my problem
I have been around these boards looking at the different topics and I have found some very interesting insights and information. Well, I have a couple of questions for everyone and anyone. You see the thing is, is that I'm a virgin (Gosh I can hear most of you laughing at me right now), but my boyfriend isn't. While I do plan on waiting until I'm married to have sex (or as I prefer to call it making love) I was wondering how some of you cope with the feelings of maybe thinking of being compared to a past lover(s) in your s.o's past. (if you or them weren't the first).

Secondly, if you were plagued by these feelings how did you get over it? I'm not holding his past against him whatsoever. I guess what bothers me the most is that if I did decide to want to take things to the next level with him, I wouldn't want to try new positions or other forms of intimate experimentation b/c I'd feel 'well, he probably already did this with so and such at so and such a place...why would he bother wanting to do those things with me? If and when I'm able to over come these insecurities, I know that when I do have a sex life I want it to be wonderful and absolutely fun and spicy.

*Secondly if someone you cared about was feeling the way that I do now, how would you feel and would there be anything you would do to alleviate such insecurities. Thank you all ahead of time for your input and advice I appreciate it very much.

*My bf has never ever compared me to past ex's nor has he pressured me into having sex...he respects my decision to wait.

*Sometimes I think maybe I should break things off with him in order to stop feeling so insecure, so that he'd be better off with someone at his level of experience, it seems like all guys would rather be with an experienced girl, rather than one they would have to 'teach' and didn't have a clue as to what she is doing (Unfortuately I have this perspective b/c I used to be teased by a group of guys while in high school )
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By kind_heart (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 62
Registered: 07-04-2004
Location: Rhode Island, USA

posted on 07-18-2004 at 22:56 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Don't Worry

If you really feel he will be comparing you or judging you on your sexual capabilities when the time comes then try to prepare yourself. Get yourself a book on sexual relations. They have many out there to learn from. They have them in books and videos. I am not refering to pornography. These materials are more instructional than to look or read for pleasure.

To be quite honest with you miss, you may be over reacting a bit. The idea of having a more experienced woman isn't always true. You have a man at the moment who is awaiting for the time when you are ready. Which from what I gather is when you are married. You have no idea how lucky you are. A majority of the men would have left you on the spot for not giving them any. This means he cares more about you and not the sex. So, when the time comes, don't feel insecure.
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Registered: 08-28-2004

posted on 08-29-2004 at 04:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

First of all kind hearted you really do sound sweet and kind hearted:

I m with you babygirl. I say dump the dude and find a man who is a virgin like yourself.

If you give this man your precious little hymen and allow him to puncture it and tare it so that you bleed in excrutiating pain will you still respect yourself in the morning and will your inexperience affect your relationship with your boyfriend.

You already have regrets with this dude and you haven't given your beautiful, precious, pure insides to him to poison it with foreign semen and sperm matter.

Keep your skirt down and make him keep his pants zipped babygirl.

As a virgin you have no idea how much closer to God you are than all of the rest of us who have had or bodies defiled through multiple sex partners not to mention Siphyllis and Gonarea! Sexually Transmitted Diseases!

How would you like to be given one of those things your very first time.

Puss fills inside your vagina and you have a burning sensation all the time until you get medication to rub down their or get pills to get rid of it.

And how about AIDS, HIV.
Protect you precious little hymen at all cost until you meet the man that is willing to marry you.

It's up to girls pure as the driven snow like yourself to teach us all how to behave with our bodies.

Take it from me. A man who use to seek out virgins to deflower.

Thank God I never found one.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By AdviceMan (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 1
Registered: 09-18-2004

posted on 09-18-2004 at 22:57 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
shut up

advice man why dont u just shut up,your not helping matters with your pissing and moaning about god and puncturing the hymen.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By turky642003 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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