Do the frenum (small flesh of skin under penis which connected to head of penis) comes out when you have sex for the first time ?
As I tried to penetrate but it was so hurting that I cou;dn't penetrate her. Since foreskin is attached to the head of penis, while penetrating it streches too much that its hurts. Is this normal or what???
I wanted to know whether this joint between Frenum and head of penis had to seprate or it always remain attach to head of penis ? What is the best way to (for first timmers) penetrate ?
I will appreciate if I can get detail and precise information how to enter/penetrate for first time.
You do not have a first time penitration prblem. that is a problem when the pinases are not fully developed and the skin can not go all the was back. you can fix that by a very easy surgery, it won't take more then 10 min and it will not hurt. Do this sooner and you won't have problems of that kind any more!!
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