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Author: scotty_4u Subject: Need some advice

Posts: 9
Registered: 03-08-2004
Location: New York City

posted on 04-17-2004 at 00:51 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Need some advice


I met someone from Eastern Europe two months ago via an online intro service, and she and I have been having a great time emailing and talking on the phone.

We've become very fond of each other, and by all appearances our very long distance relationship is very serious. (Well, as much as one can be considering we're 10,000 miles apart and have never met f2f.)

I am interested in knowing what is the best way to arrange a trip there (NYC -> Kiev), including a nice hotel and getting a tourist visa. Should I contact a local travel agent?

Also down the road is the possibility that we may want to take this to the next level. In that case, can anyone tell me more about getting a fiancee visa? I.e., time frame, cost, etc. I've heard that this could take up to four months.

For those who are inclined to warn me about any traps and pitfalls, I should say up front that I don't see any of the more obvious warning signs. In other words, she seemed expectedly wary initially, she never asked me for anything, she's always home at night and in the morning, she asked me all the right questions about myself, etc. And, it'll be 6 months into the relationship before our schedules coincide where I can fly out to see her.

Basically, she behaved just like a normal American woman trying to feel her way through a new relationship.

Finally, at this point, I am not interested in a group tour. I'm not the kind of person who can easily dilute himself emotionally like that...

So, if anyone can help me get to Kiev and have a pleasant (logistically speaking) first meeting, we'd be much obliged.


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Posts: 8
Registered: 05-27-2004

posted on 05-28-2004 at 23:01 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

check out loveme.com. They will answer all of your questions and concerns and be able to accomodate your needs.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Barbara (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 3
Registered: 06-30-2004

posted on 07-01-2004 at 02:01 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Advise for you

Hello it sounds like you have taken some good first steps. First off let me tell you I've been to Kiev 2 times within the last 10 months and it's great.

First off let me say you don't need a tourist visa. Unlike Russia, the Ukraine when you file for your visa through the Ukrainian embassy, you can list her address as who your visiting, and the reason, instead of "tourist" you put "private, visiting a friend".

Kiev is relatively close to NYC compared to the west coast where I am. You can go direct to Kiev through aerosvit. 10,000 miles, ha! It's about 7,500 from LA.

Great you have contacted her and don't see any warning signs (like her asking for $$).

Your statement "she behaved just like a normal American woman" is a little scary! Once you get to know them they are much better than American women! On the other hand she sounds like she had her head screwed on correctly. Be weary of those who are all "love love kissy kissy" that you haven't already met.

I advise anyone not to do this "group tour" from what I have heard it's like a bunch of women thrown in a banquet hall like cattle which is very degrading. I would recommend you go through a service that offers a "private tour".

Last but not least don't put all your eggs in one basket! If she says she can spend all her time with you when you visit, great. If not have a backup plan and go through a reputable agency (of which I know the owner very well in Kiev) that can set you up with everything you need!

Good luck!
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By scotty_4u (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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