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Author: groupspostings Subject: How to tell if your a VIRGIN

Posts: 1
Registered: 08-23-2009

posted on 08-23-2009 at 22:16 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
How to tell if your a VIRGIN

I want to know how all these men think they can tell I'm a Virgin -they say they can tell from my eyes - I've looked it up on the internet - the only things I have seen is (there is a black rim around the eyes) and (eyes dancing for men - which is supposed to be hormones I guess) Does anyone else know anything else about this? I think its crazy. I have no problem with being a virgin but, people are mean - especially women, I never told anyone else this but, people laugh at you, make fun of you, think its a big joke and you kind of feel raped. I really hope someone out there understands what I'm saying because its very lonely here.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Neverland (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Registered: 10-01-2009

posted on 10-01-2009 at 15:45 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

First off people CAN'T tell your a virgin from your eyes thats ridiculous. It is noticable though if you are a virgin around people who are sexually active just through body language. The bottom line girl is that you need to do what you think is right for YOU. Don't let other people's words make you feel raped. You have the right to stay a virgin or have sex that is something you have the decision to make. It shouldn't be something your embarassed about and anyone who makes you feel that way just because your a virgin you should separate yourself from.

I'm assuming that you are young and the best advice I can give you is to wait for maturity before losing your virginity. The first time is rarely magical or perfect like you think it should be and honestly if you are under 18 it can be very emotionally damaging if you are with someone that only wants your cherry and not you. Be careful, and I hope this helps.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By curlygurly017 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Registered: 02-28-2014

posted on 02-28-2014 at 23:52 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
how to know that am still virgin

How can I know that am still virgin? I have had several external sex which means not allowing it to go in fully probably the head of the dick only. the hole of my pussy got a bit bigger and am worried that I might have lost my virginity. have once noticed a bit of blood but thought that could be from the friction as it wasnt going to the right hole so the blood could be from the wound.Please do respond and inbox me too
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By gummy (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 03-01-2014 at 08:57 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

'How can I know that am still virgin? I have had several external sex which means not allowing it to go in fully probably the head of the dick only. the hole of my pussy got a bit bigger and am worried that I might have lost my virginity. have once noticed a bit of blood but thought that could be from the friction as it wasnt going to the right hole so the blood could be from the wound.Please do respond and inbox me too'

If the head of a mans penis has entered your vagina then I would say that you have had sex. He just didn't go in all the way.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By northwildwoodnjman (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 7
Registered: 04-18-2014

posted on 08-12-2014 at 18:56 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
a girl taking a man's penis... even if only a little

'How can I know that am still virgin? I have had several external sex which means not allowing it to go in fully probably the head of the dick only. the hole of my pussy got a bit bigger and am worried that I might have lost my virginity. have once noticed a bit of blood but thought that could be from the friction as it wasnt going to the right hole so the blood could be from the wound.Please do respond and inbox me too'


I think you lost your sweet virginity.

Did he push it deep?
If he did, and your pussy bled, as you said it did, his forehead likely burst your hymen, thus ending your Christian innocence.

Did he cum?
Many virgin guys cum as soon as their penis gets in front of or inside a pussy.
If he cummed, while he was in you, he likely broke you in and took your virginity, his cum a tell-tell sign...

But.... if he didn't push too deep... and you didn't wrap you arms around him as he moved it in, and didn't tell him you "wanted him" as he pushed it in... but didn't fuck you much... or go in too deep.... and pulled-out soon.... you may be okay.
You may still be able to call yourself an "innocent" virgin.... though you let a guy put his penis in you.

If you wanted him as he entered & wanted to be fucked.... you couldn't call yourself "innocent" as you wanted his penis in you.

What was it like, as an innocent virgin who'd never let a man inside you before, as your guy moved his penis into you?
It's natural for a boy to want to push it in.... deep, like he tried to do.

May girls lay still and let the boy push his forehead deeper, bursting her hymen & making her a woman.
It sounds like you were obedient & subservient to his hard penis, which trust me, really wanted to fuck you.

I know you were trying hard to remain an innocent virgin, and that was a fateful night, but am curious what you, as an "innocent" girl, was thinking as he moved his hungry penis into you.

If he didn't cum in her, should be okay.
If he shot his cum into her pussy, she's not a virgin.

Once a girl lets a guy's penis in her, and his forehead breaks her holy hymen, she can't claim to be virginal anymore.

She can still be a good Christian girl, just not a virgin.

As long as you didn't enjoy it and if he didn't cum in you... but shot his cum onto your tummy, you may be okay...

No judgement from me, btw... I've slept with sweet Christian girls.... I know what it's like and know how they respond.
Many times when I tried to enter, they would block me, so I pulled-back. I was just milli-inches from entering them.
They'd let me get relief by thrusting and cumming on their holy Christian tummies, some of my spermy cum landing on their Christian cunts :)
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