You know how hard it is to be a 21 year old male virgin? I think about sex constantly and how I am probably going to die a virgin. I lack confidence and I am not a good looking guy. I just want it to be over. Why can't it just be over?
I'm 30 years old and I'm still a virgin and sometimes I feel I might never find that special person. I also not the cutest guy in the world. But you can't give up you are still young. There's someone out there for everyone. I believe I'll find that special someone someday. Good luck man.
I am not a virgin, and here is the shitty deal. The longer you wait, the higher women's expectations will be and the worse you will be in bed. Men's sexual prime is 18, women's is 32. You are past yours and anybody your age will think you are a sexual failure. You may want to start collecting date rape drugs now. You will not be having consensual sex any time soon. Start practicing on your dog (mom)!!
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