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Author: Virgin4Life Subject: 29 year old female, wanting advice on virginity

Posts: 2
Registered: 10-08-2008

posted on 10-08-2008 at 18:10 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
29 year old female, wanting advice on virginity


I'm a 29 year old Asian woman who hasn't really lost her virginity yet. I've had partial penetration (my ex boyfriend was scared of getting women pregnant and never went all the way with me) so I think part of my hymen is intact. So no I've never had full penetrative sex, and I'm sad as he (the ex) and I had perhaps the only real meaningful relationship I've had. He was attractive and funny, and a real find, but we messed it up. We broke up years and years ago, though everyone thought we'd end up married. I haven't had another relationship since then because of some anxiety related problems.

I am petite (5'2 and weigh about 90 lbs) and I would describe myself as not unattractive but not beautiful either (I guess that makes me average, though people tell me I'm attractive in some photos). Like most Asians I look younger than I really am. I have quite a few insecurities about my body and looks as I'm flat chested and far from a looker body-wise though I take care of myself, I'm particular about being tidy and decent when it comes to dressing and grooming. I'm opinionated, well-read and traveled, but a bit timid when it comes to meeting new people.

An ex and men have showed interest in hooking up with me, but I'm not interested in them at all, they scare me. I'm scared of what they would say if they found out I was still a virgin. I'm not the most social of persons and can be very shy. What I'd like most to do is find a kind, considerate man who'd help me get through this phase. Maybe another virgin as well. Although technically I am one I've had some sexual experiences, I consider myself open-minded and wouldn't mind leading the way if it were to come down to it. Hopefully both parties can have a meaningful and pleasurable experience. I guess all I'd require of the guy is to be reasonably trim, with good hygiene. I don't need him to be really attractive, average is fine, a gentle sense of humor, willingness to overlook awkwardness and general niceness is more important. Would it be a good idea to look for someone like this?

One other thing why I haven't lost my virginity is that I live in a city (outside the US) that is largely conservative and everyone seems to know each other socially. I may be going to the United States next year and am thinking of risking it then. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you so much.

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Posts: 22
Registered: 04-07-2009

posted on 06-03-2009 at 13:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Your vagina is past it's prime. Please sew it shut immediately, you will never be using it. Also, shut up!! You FAIL!!
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Virgin4Life (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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