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Author: bigblue88 Subject: 23,male, no confidence and a straight virgin (everyone knows me as gay)

Posts: 1
Registered: 10-01-2008

posted on 10-01-2008 at 13:18 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
23,male, no confidence and a straight virgin (everyone knows me as gay)

Hi All

Just found this forum, seems pretty cool.

I suppose I should start with the: My name is Ash, and Im a virgin!.... but it sucks!

I guess a little background would help. When I was younger (12-13) I was raped not far from where I lived and again the following year. That had a rather big impact on my already low self esteem and I kind of closed up. I started chatting online and after a while I started chatting to a guy online and one thing led to another and we got together. Now after 7 1/2 years I have realised that he is just a lonley old man, he is 52 now and I was just a young peice of ass, albeit the fact he does actually love me.

My problem is that everyone I know thinks of me as Gay, as they rightly would. All the women I know are my 'best friends' and I love them as friends and could never do anything more. But I want to loose my virginity with women just to see if it was infact my past that led me to need the attention of men. In honesty I think Im probably Bi, but as I watch my friends getting married, having children and being in love I yearn for the same.

I dream of a wife who I love, with a chiild to bring up and a family I love. But I need to make a start and do not know where to start!

First I guess I need to sleep with a women but I have no Idea where to start, I dont go out to pubs and clubs, I know I will have little idea what to do and women always want to be my friend rather than my lover...its so fustrating! Its not like a gay guy, who is not hugly endowed and has no idea what he is doing is that appealing to women is it?

What would you guys and gals suggest? If you would like more info let me know and Ill do my best.

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Registered: 09-23-2008

posted on 10-03-2008 at 16:14 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
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First, I would suggest that you see a therapist to sort out all of your emotional issues. You could better understand your sexuality and what you want in a relationship. Especially since you want to sleep with a women just to see what it feels like.
Second, if you want to expand your social circle to include more single women, who don't already think of you as gay, you need to go out to social events more. It doesn't have to be bars or clubs, maybe church, social clubs, interest groups, etc where the focus isn't on hooking up. There you are more likely to meet someone more interesting and willing for a possibly serious relationship.
Third, to keep from ending up in the "friend" category, you need to act like you want to be their boyfriend. There are lots of websites out there with advice if you google "How to go from friend to boyfriend." Once you are sure of what your sexual orientation is, tell a potential girl. This will keep the awkward "I thought you were gay" situation at bay.
Hope this helps!
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