I was involved with one guy who wanted me to where white and then get it dirty. He had this one fantasy where we would be eating at the dinner table and I would accidentally spill something on my white blouse and then it would evolved into me crawling on the table with all of the food and we would have sex. Then there was another guy who use to like sharing the food we ate together, like peanut butter on celery. He'd take a bite and then hold it for me to take a bite and so on. I liked that and got turned on by it. I guess a food fetish has something to do with nurturing. Maybe Just wanted you to know that you're not the only one out there.
First of all, the act of eating itself can be very sexual...the biting, chewing, licking, tasting, the juices running down your chin. Such intentionally arousing moves can be very seductive on a dinner date. Then there is the whole arena of adding foodstuffs to sex play...whipped cream, chocolate sauce, whatever, for a sundae that tastes even sweeter when served upon your lover. Bon appetit!
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