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Author: cherryblossomjesus11 Subject: Should I lose my virginity to a teenage girl or a prostitute?

Posts: 4
Registered: 06-30-2008

posted on 07-01-2008 at 21:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Should I lose my virginity to a teenage girl or a prostitute?

Hi everyone. So glad I found this forum (and to think, all I had to do was google "virgin" & "forum"). Seems to be a lot people in the same plight as me.

First of all, let me just say i'm a 23 year old male virgin, and have always had trouble meeting girls (I never go to nightclubs, bars - they practically scare me, I feel like a fish out out water). Unfortunately, this has left me very socially "inadequate" over the years and barely ever meet new people at all, let alone girls.

(A lil' background - it started when i was 10/11, i was tongue tied (and was until i was 20) and couldn't french kiss (or so i thought, i couldn't stick my tongue out of my mouth at all) when (almost) all the kids were just experimenting with this, i was just too embarassed. I left primary school for a boy's grammar and barely saw any girls for years (there was a strange lack of girls my age range in and around my neighbourhood (quite rural)). Everyone developed without me as I grew older and was left behind. The older I get the harder it gets (I'm sure a lot of you know this one!).

Anyway sorry about all the blurb, but I feel I need to convey my entire situation (hope ur still reading!). Since the operation (which bloody hurt!), I have passionately kissed a few girls (one of which was a 37-year old woman!), but never had any real feeling for them. Consequently, I ended up in bed with the woman, but it just ended up as a drunken naked fumble. She could probably tell i didn't really know what i was doing.

Neway, recently I have met a good-looking, petite brunette girl who really likes me. The only thing is she's 17 and way more experienced than me (she has a 1-year old girl by an estanged father), and is socially pretty confident. I'm not worried about the age gap as such (she'll eat ME for breakfast for f**k sake), just that when (not if) she finds out i'm a virgin she's not gonna take it too well. As I read on another post, teenage girls don't think too highly of virgins, and that sounds about right. I don't think she'd be very mature or understanding about it, trust me. Or even particularly impressed.

Is this dead in the water, if she too young (i wish i could find a nice undderstanding girl in her 20's), should i forgoe yet another possible opportunity to shake off this curse. It could go horribly wrong, but shouldn't I take that chance?

I know a lot of people are gonna reply with "don't do it " for various reasons, but I need to lose it NOW! It's become the bain of my life. For a while now I've thought about seeing an escort in London (of which I've seen no mention of on this forum as of yet), just to get it over and done with. I noticed a lot of straight-heads (no offense) on here that will immediately denounce this suggestion, but please understand it from my point of view, a secular 23 year man living in the 21st century. It's just so socially unacceptable, and I'm missing out on life because of it. Also I could have a good thing with this girl, but there's no way I can let her know she's taken a 23-year old's virginity, and I don't want to lie to her by ommision.

Sorry for the painfully long post (and all the brackets), it obviously means a LOT to me. If anyone can find the time to read all this and give me any feedback, I will be eternally grateful. There's nobody I can talk about this to. Thank God for computers.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By automat (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 2
Registered: 08-24-2008
Location: Alburtis, PA

posted on 08-24-2008 at 17:46 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I wouldn't lose my virginity to a 17 yo girl (especially one who has a kid), typically someone that young isn't very mature about the subject. I'd wait for someone close to my age and more mature than a teen. I'm 21 (soon to be 22) and I am starting to get the same feelings as you are about losing our virginities.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By psychosean (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 06-03-2009 at 20:25 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I am just a spammer passing through, but I read your pathetic essay and figured I should give my 2 cents worth.

Quite frankly, you are a pathetic creepy rapist if you fuck a 17 year old, and you are a creepy pathetic virgin if you don't. If you fuck a prostitute, you will be a pathetic creepy asshole with herpes (and an empty wallet). Regardless of what you do, you will always pathetic and creepy. Maybe it would be best if you just cut off your dick and throw it in the sewer. You will never be needing it. Maybe would be more up your alley. You not only fail sexually, but you fail at life by sharing your pathetic life with us. I would just like you to know that my girlfriend just read it to you and after laughing she said "Good luck. You will cum in 2 seconds, then she will be disappointed."

....You can't argue with facts. FYI: You are now my bitch. Big time LOL @ your expense. Thanks.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Virgin4Life (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 7
Registered: 06-12-2009

posted on 06-12-2009 at 16:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

that mothafucka virgin4life is right
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By cherryblossomjesus11 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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