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Author: juliet7744 Subject: Why are women called bad names when they have sex with lots of men but, when men have sex with lots
jenny frat

Posts: 1
Registered: 02-25-2004

posted on 02-26-2004 at 00:07 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Why are women called bad names when they have sex with lots of men but, when men have sex with lots

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Sarah Vega

Posts: 4
Registered: 03-01-2004

posted on 03-03-2004 at 21:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
name calling

I think you mean when women want to be promiscuous, they are called names but, men arn't. How come?
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Sarah Vega (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 07-17-2004 at 13:21 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Unfair But True

I guess the reason for this is that women are looked upon to be more pure than men. The ass***es look at virgins for a piece of fresh meat and a tight hole. While others look at marriage potential and life long commitment. The thought is, "You are commited to save yourself for the man you love so you will most likly be a very committed wife." You got the bible and other religions pressing your morals to marry a virgin too and saying that promiscuous sex is a sin(in my opinion it is just out right disgusting).

It is also an insecurity issue for guys. If a man was to go with someone who has slept with a lot of men, the thought would cross his mind whether he is just some other fling or if he will ever be cheated on. Other opinons also include they don't want something all used up. Another of the many reasons is that a guy doesn't want to walk down the street with his girl or go to a party and the couple come accross one of her old flings. The thought of his wife being with another man before him and how the two at that moment may be reminicing their old lust in their minds will disturb him for a while. Just as it would you probabaly if the events were in reverse.

Men don't want to be second best in a womans life. If she was to have slept around, no matter if the couple been married for 30-50 years. The thought will cross his mind from time to time. They may love you and cherish you always but the thought of you having previous loves and that you still hold feelings for them will nag him always. Again, this could also be in reverse for the lady to feel the same.

The final reason, which is most obvious, is that men since the beginning of times have always looked upon themselves as being the dominent gender. They feel they can do whatever they please and most still do. Women on the other hand are weaker and do whatever the man says. So the dominent man likes new things. So he gets himself a fresh young girl and not some used up piece of used junk (I believe that how the thought goes. I am not too sure. I don't think like your typical male so I am throwing logical guesses on this last reason).

Notice in history too, it is the nice girls that get the good lifestyles and the ones the men refer to as h**s and s**ts get the sucky lives. They become single moms, prostitutes, or work for low wage paying jobs. This is for the majority of these types of women though. Todays world a single mom could make it as well as a single women. So women can be promiscuous but when they finally want to settle down they will find a lot of jerks who don't care about you. As long as you got arms, legs, and a vagina he'll marry you. Despite the changes in modern human society, you still see the old world in todays world. The nice girls still live the good life and the majority of the bad girls live crappy.

Just for your gals info. There are men out there who also call guys a bunch of names for sleeping around too. They are rare to find but they exist.
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Registered: 08-28-2004

posted on 08-29-2004 at 03:19 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

JennyF: Men see themselves as the conquorers and they view women as the conquored.

Look at it like this: A Conquorer conquors a land and he begins to explore that land it it is filled with green grass and trees and lakes, it looks like virgin territory,

Like America looked to the first white settlers that came ashore in the 16 hundreds. But imagine if they had come ashore and saw that the land had been conquored aver and aver and over again it it was baren and full of sand and dust and no green vegetation sort of what the Sahara Desert looks like. Thats how men view a woman who has sex with a lot of men.

They view her as a dirty whore. which is w mispronounced word.

The word is dirty whole because the woman may have had more than 30 different men in one day ejaculating inside of her (vagina hole) and men saw her hole as dirty with dozens of sexually transmitted disease.
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Junior Member

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Registered: 10-06-2007

posted on 10-06-2007 at 02:30 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator


how are you today .my name is miss Juliet from africa i saw your profile today and become very interested .so please it is urgent that you have to contact me immediately through above email id (julietjones01@yahoo.com) so that i will tell you my mind and give you my picture.thanks so much for your understanding .i will be waiting for your reply now . please write me direct with my mail address give you above and below here
warm regard
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