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Author: VirginHunting Subject: Male Virgin Seeks Female Virgin. Websites? Mail?
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Posts: 16
Registered: 10-22-2007

posted on 10-22-2007 at 01:14 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Male Virgin Seeks Female Virgin. Websites? Mail?

I'm a 22 year old male virgin. I have experience with pleasing women in various sexual ways spanning almost a decade but I have simply always rejected coitus either for preference, concern of children or just being busy.

I am caucasion. I'm told my smile, hair, face is sexy/attractive/handsome etc. I have an athletic/body builder type body. I'm 5 foot 9 inches tall. My penis is a bit above average size in length and girth - though not what I would consider huge (email me for specifics).

People like my personality, humor, intelligence, confidence and humility. I am told I am wise beyond my years, which makes sense considering most friends have been 5-10 years older or more, in my line of work I often associate with people twice my age or older and I have experienced a lot of aspects of life and responsibility since my pre-teen years.

I'm tired of waiting to lose my virginity; though not tired enough to hump just any female. I prefer to find another virgin to lose it with that I also have some sort of physical and mental connection with. I will have to request legal identification (e.g. a driver's license) so that I do not risk going to jail. Other than that, I am interested in having a fun, compassionate and romantic time and sharing the bond. Some dancing is in order which of course comes with music. I'll provide wine (assuming that you are of legal age). However, I am not interested in a serious long term relationship at this point as I am just too busy (which also means I will be extra careful to avoid pregnancy). Maybe you are not interested in a long term relationship either and maybe one day that will change between us or maybe it never will; but we must be honest through each stage of the process and act in each other's best interests.

Please, any virgin females 18 or older (semi preferably 21-29), feel comfortable emailing me at VirginHunting at yahoo.com in order to see if we enjoy our personality, intelligence and looks and we can take it from there.

[NOT YOU SCAMMER "Juliet"/julietjones01@yahoo.com/juliet7744]

Also, anyone reading this, if you know of good places to meet virgin females online of legal age who are seeking virgin males then please let me know by emailing me or by posting here.

JFYI, I'm usually on the east coast of the USA but I often travel anywhere in the USA so I'm willing to travel for this. However, I'm not in such a rush that I will jump on a plane tomorrow; rather I will more easily find time in my schedule if you are close to my location.

Thanks to those who contribute in a positive manner.
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Junior Member

Posts: 16
Registered: 10-22-2007

posted on 10-22-2007 at 04:37 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Created a yahoo group.

Decided to create a yahoo group since I haven't seen anything like it yet.

I joined Reluctant Virgins and Virgin Chat yahoo groups (found here http://www.virgin-forum.com/viewforum/sexuality/Virgin-support-group.html ). I also created Hetero Virgins Seeking Virgins For Coitus since I felt it might fill a void for the global virgin community ( I'm such a humanitarian!) .

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By VirginHunting (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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