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Author: RussianAmerican Subject: How to avoid scam and find real honest women

Posts: 7
Registered: 03-16-2007
Location: Florida

posted on 03-29-2007 at 07:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
How to avoid scam and find real honest women

I was born in Russia, but have been a US citizen for over 20 years.
2 years ago I married a beautiful Russian girl, we have a baby together and life is wonderful!!! I helped 3 of my American friends do the same and they are very happy! Now I'm helping others do the same.
I can help you find a good Russian woman If your expectations are reasonable.
99% of the dating sites that target American men will scam you. Some intentionally, some not. They use subcontractors ("agencies" in
Russia/Ukraine). Majority of those agencies are letter writing scams and "send me money for a ticket to come to you" scams. A Russian woman can not get a visa to come to you, unless it's a FIANCE (K-1) visa that you have to apply for only after you had met your woman in Russia. If they tell you any different - 99.9999% of the time it's a scam.
I went through this whole process myself, but being a Russian American, I have a completly different prospective on the process and I know how to avoid all the pitfalls and find a trully nice, family oriented woman.
Before making a trip to Russia It will work a lot better to find a few women online. With my help, you can get to know them very well by exchanging letters and phone calls, and develop a nice friendship with elements of romance. Then when you go to Russia, you spend a few days with each of them and really get to know these 3-4 women in person. See who you have the best chemistry and connection with.
It makes a lot more sense, since this way you won't be meeting a stranger, rather someone you already had gotten to know pretty well on line in the cource of 3 or 4 months, wouldn't you agree?
while searching for my own wife I developed a system that works. I'm now happily married to a russian girl and we have a 1 year old aby girl. Life is wonderful! Russian women are so different from American women. Warm, respectful to their husband, great cooks, keep a home clean and cozy...None of this feminist BS!!!
One thing that I do different from American men - I look on real, local Russian web
sites, not geared toward foreigners. They are similar to Craigslist and Myspace, but they are all in Russian language. They have hundreds of thousands of beautiful single Russian girls of all ages and from all over the world (yes there are Russians living pretty much anywhere in the world now including the US) looking for a man.
Those women are not just looking to get out of Russia, like the ones on sites that are targeting American men, therefore - hardly any scam artists and women - opportunists looking to use you just to get out of Russia, etc.
But there are plenty of women on those Russian sites that wouldn't object to
meeting an American, even though they are not specifically looking for one.
With my help you can meet REAL Russian women by contacting them on russian
sites in their native language!
Also, again, you need someone like me who knows Russian, to really get to know a girl and to win her heart over. Women on Russian sites are not as easy as the ones on web sites that are taylor made for American men. You
will have to make a bit of an effort to make them interested in you, because
those women ARE REAL! They are not those professional models on all those
scam web sites you've been looking at. Haven't you found it suspicious that
almost every girl on those sites looks like a sexy Victoria Secret Lingerie
model? And they all fall in love with you after 4 letters and their life is not complete without getting a daily letter from you...sounds familiar? Well if you like living in a dream world, keep paying your $7 or $10 per letter and enjoy living in your dream world...
But If you want to find REAL, good girl that will stay with you and be a loving wife to you, you have to learn to think with your upper head!!!
let me stress that you will be getting a very personal service from me, One on One tailored to you and what you are looking for in a mate. I will find you women that match your criteria, education, looks and personality. I will also translate letters and e-mail between you and any of your candidates. I will, also help you place ads on true, local Russian web sites where you are more likely to attract the right type of person for you. Being Russian and knowing the language and customs I can spot the women that are not sincere or are just gold diggers. There's no way you will be able to figure them out the way I can. I speak fluent Russian and I know Russian women very well. I will help you avoid those...
I got frustrated and tired of American feminist women and found my happiness with a beautiful Russian girl. I can help you do the same! I have references and I am for real.

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