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Author: RussianAmerican Subject: Know Scam when you see it...I feel bad for American Men

Posts: 7
Registered: 03-16-2007
Location: Florida

posted on 03-16-2007 at 23:25 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Know Scam when you see it...I feel bad for American Men

I feel bad for American men...first we have to live amongst American feminist women, who nowdays think, and act just like men. But not the good kind of men - who are family oriented hard workers, supporting their families, their children. American women became "Players" who just hook up for a one night stand and move on. All they think about is themselves, their career their materialistic needs. Well now that so many American men finally decided "enough of that BS" and turn to the foreign women for love and marriage, somehow we become so gullible and naive that we fall victim to scammers right and left! Why is it that if we take a look at a picture of a pretty young thing, we loose all our ability tho reason? Yes I realize that when we turn 60 we still are attracted to 20 year old pretty girls, but is it realistic to think that the feeling is mutual? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you would take a look at any true, local, free Russian dating site where there are millions of women advertizing looking for local, Russian men you woould discover that 99% of women are looking for men who are either around their age or at most 15 years older. There are some exceptions where they will go to up to 20 years older, but those are rare and you better be a really handsome looking guy to attract young girls. That's the reality. I know that many of us prefer to live in a fantasy world and respond to my statement by saying "Well, I'm on such and such Russian dating site and I constantly get contacted by beautiful 20 year olds, a couple of them actually fell in love with me!" You know, I think men like that deserve to be scammed. Don't you realize that a 20 year old girl anywhere is not even ready for a serious relationship most of the time, forget marriage! And to fall in love with a man old enough to be her grandfather just after 5 emails??? Wake up!!!
Sad thing for American men is that more than 90% of all "Russian women" ads that are in English and target American men are scam. Weather it's a Russian site or you get approached by "Russian women" on American sites like Match, Myspace, Yahoo or Craigslist = SCAM, SPAM, SCAM!!!
Real Russian women don't behave like the women that you've been communicating with, they don't speak that way and how do I know that? Well hello, I was born there :))) I speak fluent Russian, Know the culture and hell yes! I know Russian women very well. I've lived here in the USA for 27 years now and I've been an American citizen for the past 22 years. 3 years ago I found myself divorced and totally frustrated with American feminist women. So I decided to look back in the old country and went through the same search process as most men. The only difference it took me only a few days to figure out that all those "Russian Dating" sites that come up in searches are mostly scam. Obviously being Russian really helped me in my search and 3 days later I was emailing, chatting with and talking on the phone with a few hundred real, beautiful Russian girls from all over FSU. After about 3 months of that I narrowed down my search to 5 women and traveled to Russia to meet them. After spending a couple of days getting to know each of them I finally decided on THE ONE. I stayed with her for 3 weeks getting to know each other and upon my return back to the USA I filed for the Fiance visa to bring her here. 6 months later she arrived to JFK, we got married and now 2 years later we are very happy and raising our beautiful daughter. It's that simple if you know where to look and how to go about it.
Do you know why most of these sites that are in English and target American men are full of scammers and gold diggers? Think!!!!
A good, family oriented girl would hardly advertise on a site like that. She has strong family ties, friends, interesting career, she loves her culture and her motherland! She is not going to look for ways to leave Russia, actually she doesn't want to leave all that behind and go to a foreign country, foreign culture, foreign language, etc. etc. does that make sense? Some of them will not be opposed to meeting and later marrying an American, but they will never seek that out as a goal. Only opportunistic and gold digger women would. But good, family oriented, honest Russian girls are lonely, because statistically there is only one man for every 8 women in many areas in Russia. I know how to find those girls and get to know them really well. You also need to consider that FSU (former Soviet Union) is a huge territory and different parts (now countries) have very different cultures, languages, value systems, etc. It is very important to take that into consideration when looking for a wife. Email me if you have questions about my post. I'll try to help you if I can. Good luck!
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