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Author: zebulon Subject: AnastasiaWeb - need som help here...

Posts: 3
Registered: 03-11-2007
Location: Sweden

posted on 03-11-2007 at 12:52 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
AnastasiaWeb - need som help here...

Hi everyone, need some help or advices from experienced ones...

I would like to know if someone has a specific experience in anastasiaweb. I know things like that emails are coming everyday from different ladies = advertising...but i dont just ask for e-mail etc experience, but more specific.

1. did anyone meet any lady from anastasiaweb.
2. does anyone know if it can be dangerous to fly away to meet a lady or to invite a lady ?
3. i have contact with 2 ladies that seems to be nice. Both of them knows that i am a businessman, and have seen my picture.
I am a married person, and have before explained to them, that i dont look for a marriage...just for some fun/friendship/lover etc.
(dont worry, i am not unfaithful)....
I had contact maybe with 10 different girls, in the beginning, and in the end, only 2 girls wanted to continue for a contact, after they were thinking little bit about my wish ...

First lady
- she want to have contact through the agency only, cause she dont know english well.
- she sended me her pictures...beutiful, and hot.
- this lady never asked, about a meeting...yet...
- she asked me for a photo on me in the second letter. in the fourth letter, she asked for a photo on my son.
- she did not ask for money...yet...
- she first was hesitating very much to have contact with be, cause of my wife and all...

The first lady has given me 8 answers between the time 28 Jan-9 March.

Second lady
- she does not want to have contact through the agency. she said, we can start like this, but wants me to call her one time through the agency, so that she can give me her personal information - adress, personal e-mail etc...she said that she can go to the internetcafe one time in a week...she does not have her own computer.
- she sended also pictures...she was even hotter, 2 of the pictures was almost erotic...not naked, but very temptly ...
- she asked me in the fourth letter, if it is possible to meet ... either that i come to her, or that we can travel somewhere together...
- she still did not ask for a photo of me, she knows only through info that i look good. but it feels strange that she did not ask ...
- she did not ask for money yet...
- this lady did not hesitate for a contact with me, cause of my wife ... she sees it more interesting...

The second lady has given me 4 answers between the time 11 feb - 11 March.

This is just little of the information i have given to you...but personally, i would like to meet them both ... nut NOT to travel to ukraina...that i will never do i think...i am more open to invite them to sweden...and i am never so stupid to send money for ticket, i just send digital tickets through my company...which means, she just get one choice...and that is "to travel".
But the question is...can this ladies be dangerous, when the arrive? When they sleep over? etc...if she steal little bit money from me now and then...i can live with that...but not if she has plans to destroy my life...

I am thankful for ALL ANSWERS.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ladiesman (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Registered: 03-01-2007
Location: Graz, Austria

posted on 03-14-2007 at 01:14 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
A-WEB... 90% NO


I know exactly what you mean - this is normal if you are a new member. I am a member there for more than 1 year and have been spammed by introduction letters which are actually sent by the agencies and NOT the ladies themselves based on your age, etc.

Although it is hard to believe, there are a lot of things going on with anastasiaweb.com - from a Private Investigator in the Ukraine I received the info that in 80% of the cases the ladies are REAL, BUT you cannot be sure whether these ladies are writing the letters on their own.

If a lady says "I only want to communicate" through THIS site ---> ALARM!!!!

Why would she do that - if she is really interested in you, she CAN find a way to contact you or give you a hint. Why would a lady, who is really interested in you only sent you a letter, when she receives one? Why are the letters so lyrical & poetical - I have not tried it, but you can even argue a lot & very intensively with a lady and she will still write you.... sorry, too many inconsistencies.

I know that is tough to believe - yes, there are some lucky guys, but more unlucky scammed guys - A-Web, imho, is just professional scam.

BUT, I am in my last try there at A-Web at the moment and have found one who is really interesting me - we have exchanged a few letters and I asked her for her personal address now after sending her a bunch of flowers. If that does not work out, I will cancel my profile for good there.

Hth, bye

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By lodaut (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 3
Registered: 03-11-2007
Location: Sweden

posted on 03-18-2007 at 10:26 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
About anastasia...

Thanks for your reply,

So there are a 20% risk for me that i am exchanging letter with a worker.
Really it feels like that with one of the girls.

One of the girls, that calls herself Svetlana, is very nice, but ONLY want to have contact through the agency, cause of the language. BUT i got her homeadress? Maybe it is the workers homeadress...? What do you think.

Another thing i wondered, is that the girls says, "digital tickets through e-mail dont exist in ukraine"...i dont believe in that...she says that i can post the ticket ... but not e-mail it ... In bulgaria for ex. it works just fine with digital tickets...

The other girl, calls herself Irina, dont want at all any contact through the agency. She prefer e-mail. We have a good contact.

I wish you the best also with your contact...if it does not work, i can always recommend bulgarian girls. They are beutiful, and the country is in the European Union now...little bit safer than ukraine etc.

Thanks again for your reply.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By ladiesman (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 8
Registered: 06-26-2007

posted on 06-26-2007 at 14:23 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Sorry, Mate, but I would recommend you walk away..... no, RUN away! I had corresponded with a few ladies on Anastasiaweb and got lots of good feedback from them until one day I mentioned I was going to be in her town..... Suddenly she wasn't interested in me.
Could it be coincidence? I tried it as an experiment again and guess what? Yep, she suddenly decide she wasn't interested. Oh, I got the nice photos before that, etc., too.
I suppose it is possible that your ladies are legitimate but I would say the odds are not 80% but more like 8%......
Remember these people are pros at this and they are thinking up ways to separate us from our money long before we even heard of them.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By zebulon (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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